A Step By Step SEO Strategy For Beginners In 2024

A Step By Step SEO Strategy For Beginners In 2022

Organic traffic is a gem for every website. And, even 70% of marketers believe SEO is more effective than PPC for getting high-intent prospects.

And, It’s not just an assumption anymore since Bright Age revealed SEO is responsible for 59.3% of organic traffic on websites. So, Let’s get started to learn a step-by-step SEO strategy for beginners in 2024 to dominate your industry.

Before jumping on how to do SEO for the website, let’s understand what exactly SEO is.

What Is Seo?

The term search engine optimization implies a process that helps to improve ranking on Search Engines.

The job of SEO is to drive traffic to your website, but your business goal is conversion. Right! In order to convert your visitors into customers, you need to implement other digital marketing techniques as well. Unfortunately, there are no sequential steps to drive conversions.

It’s a mixture of various techniques that you can learn from joining a digital marketing institute

So, the incorporation of effective digital marketing tactics with SEO will surely help your business to rise to the top, not only on search engines but also in your industry.

Well! Google’s algorithm decides to rank websites based on 200 factors. But optimizing a website for everything is nearly impossible and time-consuming. Therefore, we have put together the latest SEO techniques that will help you to improve your ranking effectively.

So, crystallize this effective SEO process to rise higher on SERP.

A Step By Step SEO Strategy For Beginners In 2024

SEO is not complex, but we make it following the strategies that don’t work. High-quality content, quality backlinks, and website technical stuff are the main pillars of an effective SEO strategy and always will be. In light of that, let’s walk through the effective SEO guide for beginners.

1.   Start With Website Audit

The best way to unravel the mysterious errors that have been keeping your keywords from ranking. You can use SemRush, Seositecheckup, or Uber to get an insight into erroneous factors on your website.

Here are some major odds your website might contain:

Dead Links: Broken links are one of the main causes Google doesn’t let a website rank. Through website analysis, you will get to know how many broken links your website has and you can fix it.

Unsecure Website: Non-websites are considered unsecured, and Google doesn’t favor this at all. Check out if your website is secure. Or if not, immediately install an SSL certificate on your website to make it secure and optimal for ranking.

Slow Speed: How fast your website pages load determines the ranking as well. Website speed is important for users, so as for the Google algorithm. 3-5 seconds is the ideal website loading time, according to Google. Use the GT matrix to check your website speed, remove unnecessary plugins & redirections, and optimize your images & website code to make it faster.

Not Having A Site Map: A site map is like a map that guides search engine crawlers to reach & index all of your website pages and links quickly. If you’re not sure if your website has a sitemap, use the SEO quack extension, and use the term (example.com/sitemap_index.xml) after your website URL to check it out.

SEO Site Audit

2. Create Keywords List

Ranking all of your website pages is exceedingly time-consuming. And, if you try to get them all ranked, it will be much harder and more ineffective. Instead, figure out the most important keywords that are profitable to rank. Create a list of it and follow the next steps to improve their ranking.

Keywords Research

3.   Observe Pages That Rank Higher

If you want to fly like an eagle, you need to learn the ways of it. So, you have got the keywords list. Search them and analyze the content on high-ranking websites.

If these websites are ranking higher, there are two things they have done better than others. First, they have high-quality links on particular pages, and they have crafted well-optimized quality content.

Don’t just read the content only, but also try to understand the user’s intent and how you can help them through your content. This is one of the simplest but most effective tips for beginners.

well-optimized quality content

4.   Create A Different But Better Content

After taking the inspiration and figuring out what works best. Start crafting your content. Give answers to the questions a user might need to know, make the content engaging, and explain everything in the simplest way you possibly can.

Besides, keyword optimization is a part of on-page SEO techniques that play an important role in ranking. Use your keywords wisely. If it seems unnatural or stuffed, no matter how great your content is, it won’t rank on the SERP.

For searching relevant keywords, you can use tools like Uber Suggest & Ashraf or the “people also search “block on SERP is great for extracting relevant keywords. And for checking per-month searches and SEO difficulty, you can use the Uber Suggest extension.

The higher the monthly searches and lower the SEO difficulty of keywords, the easier it is to rank. And make sure you check out your content’s readability.

High readability score demonstrates how comprehending your web copy is and uses transition words and active voice in your sentence to make it optimal for readers. By now, you have been acquainted with the basics, so get excited to know more about a step-by-step SEO strategy for beginning in 2024.

on-page optimization

5.   Do On-Page Optimization

Crafting content is just a part of SEO on-page optimization. 6 important factors that help to rank your content if it’s well-optimized.

Title Tag: Your content title is the first thing that is shown to the user on SERP. 36% of experts believe tag is most important for SEO. Because a user decides to click or not just by reading it. Google decides on a ranking based on click-through rates. So, make your title compelling, add your primary keyword to it, and use statistics or power words.

Meta Description: A well-optimized meta description not only helps Google to understand what your content is all about but also supports increasing your click-through rate.

120 characters is the ideal length of a meta description, optimize it well with your primary keyword and also highlight important words.

Header Tags: The header tag helps to divide your content into sections. It makes content easier and more comprehensible for readers. The title tag is considered to be H1 and besides, you can use H2-H6 as a subleader to make your content even more compelling.

Page URL: Your page URL should contain your primary keyword.

Internal Links: Optimizing internal links in your content will help drive traffic to your other pages, improve user experience, and please Google.

Internal Linking

6.   Add Images, Videos & Infographics

Images & infographics make your blog compelling and provide visual information. And, embedding a video on your blog can increase ranking changes even more. Because most users like to watch videos rather than read text.

The highlighted main information will be the better user experience it will give. Not all users have time to read your overall blog. They’re thirsty crows and want to drink water as soon as possible. Making them drop stones in a jar will only irritate them.

Besides, to make your content more engaging, use recent images, compress them and add alternative text. Concise your blog information in compelling infographics, and embed it in your blog to provide value to your users.

What is an Infographic


7. Build Backlinks

Backlinks are like spices that help to increase page authority and give a signal to Google about how useful your content is. But, the linking should be natural. Here is how you can build links for your pages.

Competitive research: It’s the easiest and most effective SEO strategy you can use. To do so, you need the help of tools like Uber suggest, and Ashraf. First, search the keyword on a search engine, and analyze your competitor’s backlinks. This way you can get the relevant websites to get high-quality links from. So, gather up their contact details and reach them out by preparing a compelling outreach mail.

Broken Links Building: I call this a philanthropic technique. Broken links are enemies for ranking, and if you make someone aware of your broken links and offer relevant content, that is the right fit for the benefits of both.

And, you might don’t have to spend money on this. Analysis of your competitor’s broken links that might be the best fit for the keywords you want to rank for. Outreach them, indicating the problem, and providing a solution through your link.

Build Backlinks

8.   Update Your Content

Update content can keep your pages out of the raking race. Statistics, guides, and techniques keep changing, and if your content is giving information about something that might have worked phenomenally in the past but no longer now. It’s hard to rank such a type of content.

Despite the chosen keywords you might want to rank, also look through your other content, compare them with top Google content on the same keywords, and try to find out what’s new or what are you missing.

As you figure out, set out to modify your content up to the user’s intent. Make your content more thorough, point-to-point, engaging, and comprehensive for users.

Update content

Conclusion: Seo is not a game that can be won through cheating. Even though there are unethical practices like black-hat SEO, which get you higher on SERP sooner will put you in dire straits.

Therefore, we have created a step-by-step SEO strategy for beginners in 2021 that involves only effective and ethical ways to improve ranking.

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