What Are Directory Submission Sites?
Directory submission is a valuable tool in search engine optimization (SEO). It involves submitting your website’s URL to web directories under specific categories. The primary purpose? To build quality backlinks. Here’s how it works:
- Submitting to Directories:
- You submit your website’s URL, along with relevant information, to online directories.
- These directories categorize and list various websites, providing links and brief descriptions for users to explore.
- Backlinks and SEO:
- Directory submissions create backlinks to your site.
- Search engines consider backlinks as positive ranking factors.
- These backlinks act as pathways, leading users from other websites to yours.
- Search engines recognize this link-building effort, signaling that your site is credible and trustworthy.
Why Directory Submission Matters for SEO:
- Improving Search Engine Rankings:
- Backlinks from directories contribute to better search engine rankings.
- Quality backlinks enhance your website’s authority and visibility.
- Indexing and Discovery:
- Search engines use web crawlers to discover and index new web pages.
- Directory submissions provide an effective platform for acquiring valuable backlinks, thereby improving indexing.
- Targeted Traffic:
- When your website appears in relevant directories, it attracts targeted traffic.
- Users actively searching for specific services or products discover your site.
- Domain Authority Enhancement:
- Consistent directory submissions contribute to improving your website’s domain authority.
- Higher domain authority correlates with better overall SEO performance.
Types of Directory Submission Sites:
- Free Directory Submission:
- These sites allow you to submit your website at no cost.
- They provide backlinks and exposure without financial investment.
- Paid Directory Submission:
- Some directories charge a fee for submission.
- Evaluate the value and relevance before opting for paid submissions.
Top Directory Submission Sites (Based on High DA and Trust):
Here are some reputable directory submission sites to consider:
- Google Business Profile: Google Business Profile
- Bing Places: Bing Places
- Better Business Bureau: BBB
- Blogorama: Blogorama
DS # | Directory Submission Site | Website URL |
1 | Google Business Profile | https://www.google.com/business/ |
2 | Bing’s Places | https://www.bingplaces.com/ |
3 | Better Business Bureau | https://www.bbb.org/get-listed |
4 | Blogorama | https://www.blogarama.com/ |
5 | On Top List | https://www.ontoplist.com/ |
6 | Manta | https://www.manta.com/ |
7 | Hotfrog | https://www.hotfrog.com/ |
8 | Merchant Circle | https://www.merchantcircle.com/ |
9 | Brown Book | https://www.brownbook.net/ |
10 | EZLocal | https://ezlocal.com/ |
11 | Tupalo | http://tupalo.com/ |
12 | Chamber of Commerce | https://www.chamberofcommerce.com/ |
13 | Free Ads Time | https://www.freeadstime.org/ |
14 | Wall Classifieds | https://www.wallclassifieds.com/ |
15 | Gigantic List | https://www.giganticlist.com/ |
16 | H1 Ad | https://www.h1ad.com/ |
17 | Classifieds Factor | https://www.classifiedsfactor.com/ |
18 | Find Master | https://www.findermaster.com/ |
19 | Advertise Era | https://www.advertiseera.com/ |
20 | Blog Directory | http://www.blog-directory.org/ |
21 | Foursquare | https://foursquare.com/ |
22 | Yelp | https://business.yelp.com/ |
23 | Yellow Pages | https://www.yellowpages.com/ |
24 | Alignable | https://www.alignable.com/ |
25 | ELocal | https://www.elocal.com/ |
Why Do We Need Directory Submission Sites?
Benefits of Directory Submission:
- Improved SEO:
- By submitting your website to high-quality directories, you acquire valuable backlinks. These backlinks enhance your sites credibility and contribute to improved page rankings.
- Search engines recognize these authoritative links, which positively impact your overall SEO efforts.
- Increased Visibility:
- Being listed in directories increases your online visibility. Users searching those directories may discover your website.
- It’s like having your business listed in the Yellow Pages–potential customers can find you easily.
- Local SEO Boost:
- Local business directories help connect you with nearby customers. If you have a physical presence, these listings are essential for local SEO.
- Categorization:
- Properly categorized submissions ensure that your website appears in relevant search results.
- Users looking for specific services or products can find you more easily.
- Brand Exposure:
- Being listed in directories associates your brand with credibility.
- Users perceive businesses listed in reputable directories as trustworthy.
- Niche Authority:
- Submitting to niche-specific directories establishes your authority within that industry.
- Users searching those directories are likely interested in your specialized offerings.
How to Create an Account on Directory Submission Sites?
Creating an account on directory submission sites is simple:
- Choose High-Quality Directories:
- Research and select reputable directories related to your niche or industry.
- Avoid spammy or low-quality directories.
- Navigate to the Submission Section:
- Visit the chosen directory’s website.
- Look for the submission section or a “Submit Your Website” link.
- Provide Relevant Information:
- Fill in the required details:
- Title: Your websites name or business name.
- Description: A concise summary of what your website offers.
- Keywords: Relevant keywords describing your content.
- Category: Select the most appropriate category.
- Fill in the required details:
- Submit Your Website:
- Follow the submission process.
- Some directories may require account creation; others allow direct submission.
Directory Submission Sites List
1. SaaS Directory Submission Sites
SaaS is dominating the market with the launch of GPT 3.5 and GPT-4. Submitting your site to SaaS directories can boost your SaaS product or service by increasing exposure, and traffic, and generating leads.
Take a look at this list of SaaS directory submission sites to consider:
Site Name | Website URL |
ChatGPT Demo | https://chatgptdemo.com/ |
Supertools | https://supertools.therundown.ai |
ToolsAI.net | https://toolsai.net |
Machine-Mastery | https://machine-mastery.com/ |
Al Tool Hunt | https://www.aitoolhunt.com |
Marsx’s Al Startups | https://www.marsx.dev/ai-startups |
Easy With Al | https://easywithai.com |
AI News Guru | https://ainews.guru/ |
Uneedbest | https://uneedbest.com |
SaaS GPTers | https://saasgpters.com |
Startup Al Tools | https://www.startupaitools.com |
DiscoverTools.io | https://discovertools.io |
Tools Story | https://toolsstory.net/ |
GPT Academy | https://gptacademy.co |
AlSpotter | https://aispotter.io |
AIGadget | https://aigadget.io |
Every-AI | https://every-ai.com/ |
TopTools.ai | https://www.toptools.ai |
Wikiaitools | https://www.wikiaitools.com |
Al Awesome | https://www.aiawesome.com/ |
Al Library by Phygital | https://library.phygital.plus/ |
Al Startups | https://www.aistartups.net |
Tools NoCode | https://www.toolsnocode.com/ai |
There’s An Al For That | https://theresanaiforthat.com/ |
GPTE.ai | https://gpte.ai/ |
Al Tool Directory | https://aitooldirectory.com |
Al-Finder | https://ai-finder.net |
Al Center | https://www.aicenter.ai |
Apps and Websites | https://appsandwebsites.com/ |
Al Top Picks | https://www.aitoppicks.com/ |
Al Tools Guide | https://aitoolsguide.com |
AITools.fyi | https://aitools.fyi/ |
AIToolTips | https://aitooltips.com |
GPTForge | https://gptforge.net/ |
Alcyclopedia | https://www.aicyclopedia.com/ |
The Al Generation | https://www.theaigeneration.com |
Al Trendz | https://aitrendz.xyz |
Flipbytes | https://www.flipbytes.com |
Gravy Al | https://gravyai.com |
Aitoolnet | https://www.aitoolnet.com |
ToolsPedia | https://www.toolspedia.io |
Instant Al | https://instantai.io |
All Things Al | https://allthingsai.com/ |
faind.ai | https://faind.ai |
Al Tool Board | https://aitoolboard.com |
Dang.ai Al Tools | https://dang.ai |
Al Top Tools | https://aitoptools.com |
Futurepedia | https://www.futurepedia.io/ |
AiToolsWiki | https://aitoolswiki.com |
Al Scout | https://aiscout.net |
Insidr Al Tools | https://www.insidr.ai/ai-tools/ |
Amaete Al | https://www.amaete.ai |
DigiProToolz | http://digiprotoolz.com |
ToolScout | https://toolscout.ai |
NextPedia | https://www.nextpedia.io |
Favird Al Tools | https://favird.com/l/ai-tools-and-applications |
Future Tools | https://www.futuretools.io/ |
Al Explorer | https://www.aiexplorer.app/ |
Al Spree | https://aispree.com |
AITools.Directory | https://www.aitools.directory |
TopAI.Tools | https://topai.tools |
Free Al Tools Directory | https://free-ai-tools-directory.com/ |
AIHub.fyi | https://www.aihub.fyi/ |
Future AGI Tools | https://www.futureagitools.com |
TenereTeam | https://www.tenereteam.com/ai-tool |
ListintAI | https://www.listintai.com |
AiCombined | https://aicombined.com |
AIToolTracker | https://aitooltracker.com |
AIDirectory.org | https://www.aidirectory.org/ |
SaaS Al Tools | https://saasaitools.com |
The Al Warehouse | https://www.thewarehouse.ai |
Al of the Day | https://aioftheday.com/ |
Daily Tech Al | https://www.dailytech.ai |
DoMore.ai | https://domore.ai/ |
Al Tool Guru | https://aitoolguru.com |
Al Marketing Directory | https://aimarketing.directory |
AiHabr | https://aihabr.com/ |
Al-Hunter | https://ai-hunter.io |
Al Tools Hub | https://descenedigital.com/aitoolsdirectory/ |
GTP Demo | https://www.gptdemo.net |
Victrays | https://victrays.com/ |
Al Tools Arena | https://aitoolsarena.com |
WhatTheAI | https://whattheai.tech |
Al Tools Directory | https://aitoolsdirectory.com |
2. 100+ Verified Directory Submission Sites
Filtered List |
list-directories.com/ |
a1webdirectory.org/ |
usalistingdirectory.com/ |
marketinginternetdirectory.com/ |
alistsites.com/ |
alistdirectory.com/ |
247webdirectory.com/ |
9sites.net/ |
pakranks.com/ |
weboworld.com/ |
usalistingdirectory.com/ |
everbestlinks.com/ |
freeprwebdirectory.com/ |
callyourcountry.com/ |
callbuster.net/ |
thetusker.biz/ |
corpdirectory.info/ |
addsite.info/ |
dmozing.com/ |
yellowlinker.com/ |
piseries.com/ |
linkdirectorylistings.org/ |
dealdirectory.com/ |
godirectory.org/ |
intercambioseo.com/ |
abstractdirectory.com/ |
piseries.com/ |
addlinkzfree.com/ |
alistsites.com/ |
linkslive.info/ |
uk.com/ |
thegreatdirectory.org/ |
the-net-directory.com/ |
fwebdirectory.com/ |
linkdir.info/ |
seoseek.net/ |
seotarget.net/ |
finest4.com/ |
weboworld.com/ |
yesitsfree.co.uk/ |
rapidenetwork.eu/ |
qualityinternetdirectory.com/ |
addurl.nu/ |
blahoo.net/ |
usawebsitesdirectory.com/ |
freetoprankdirectory.com/ |
theredtree.com/ |
intelseek.com/ |
onemilliondirectory.com/ |
alistdirectory.com/ |
freedirectorysubmit.com/ |
allfreethings.com/ |
blahoo.net/ |
linkpedia.net/ |
allfreethings.com/ |
alistsites.com/ |
h-log.com/ |
busybits.com/ |
9sites.net/ |
directory-free.com/ |
cipinet.com/ |
the-web-directory.co.uk/ |
the-free-directory.co.uk/ |
viesearch.com/ |
websquash.com/ |
acewebdirectory.com/ |
1websdirectory.com/ |
247webdirectory.com/ |
tsection.com/ |
a1webdirectory.org/ |
mastermoz.com/ |
freewebsubmission.com/ |
splut.com/ |
dirjournal.com/ |
ellysdirectory.com/ |
domaining.in/ |
marketinginternetdirectory.com/ |
submissionwebdirectory.com/ |
usalistingdirectory.com/ |
britainbusinessdirectory.com/ |
globeofblogs.com/ |
ukinternetdirectory.net/ |
gmawebdirectory.com/ |
traveltourismdirectory.info/ |
somuch.com/ |
highrankdirectory.com/ |
siteswebdirectory.com/ |
sitepromotiondirectory.com/ |
alivelinks.org/ |
cubawebdirectory.com/ |
importantlinks.info/ |
freedirectorysubmit.com/ |
digabusiness.com/ |
add-page.com/ |
allstatesusadirectory.com/ |
abc-directory.com/ |
add-page.com/ |
somuch.com/ |
dirwell.com/ |
add-page.com/ |
blpdirectory.info/ |
addlinkzfree.com/ |
textlinkdirectory.com/ |
ldmstudio.com/ |
efficientdirectory.com/ |
directoryws.com/ |
skoobe.biz/ |
canadawebdir.com/ |
pakranks.com/ |
advancedseodirectory.com/ |
marketingwebdirectory.com/ |
ayroo.com/ |
txtlinks.com/ |
quickdirectory.biz/ |
canadawebdir.com/ |
directorybin.com/ |
onemilliondirectory.com/ |
a1webdirectory.org/ |
asia-web-directory.com/ |
directoryvault.com/ |
search-group.com/ |
busybits.com/ |
hotld.com/ |
anaximanderdirectory.com/ |
ontoplist.com/ |
robolinks.com/ |
list-listings.org/ |
freedirectory-listings.org/ |
ayroo.com/ |
alistsites.com/ |
lifetimelinks.com/ |
ampledirectory.com/ |
acedirectory.org/ |
txtlinks.com/ |
pr3plus.com/ |
directoryvault.com/ |
prolink-directory.com/ |
alivelink.org/ |
trafficdirectory.org/ |
sublimelink.org/ |
unique-listing.com/ |
angelsdirectory.com/ |
relevantdirectories.com/ |
ifidir.com/ |
relevantdirectory.biz/ |
piratedirectory.org/ |
activdirectory.net/ |
advancedseodirectory.com/ |
afunnydir.com/ |
hotdirectory.net/ |
abstractdirectory.net/ |
asklink.org/ |
fire-directory.com/ |
target-directory.com/ |
evolvingcritic.com/ |
exampledir.com/ |
bestbuydir.com/ |
ebay-dir.com/ |
facebook-list.com/ |
poordirectory.com/ |
ask-directory.com/ |
craigslistdirectory.net/ |
upsdirectory.com/ |
bing-directory.com/ |
info-listings.com/ |
freeprwebdirectory.com/ |
evolvingcritic.com/ |
pakranks.com/ |
bobresources.com/ |
athenelinks.com/ |
alabamaindex.com/ |
textlinkdirectory.com/ |
idahoindex.com/ |
dir-submitter.info/ |
weddo.info/ |
craigslistdir.org/ |
wlddirectory.com/ |
taurusdirectory.com/ |
targetsviews.com/ |
globaldirectorylisting.com/ |
dracodirectory.com/ |
homepageseek.com/ |
directoryws.com/ |
linkdirectorylistings.org/ |
abstractdirectory.com/ |
skoobe.biz/ |
canadawebdir.com/ |
godirectory.org/ |
abstractdirectory.com/ |
awebindex.com/ |
efficientdirectory.com/ |
ldmstudio.com/ |
textlinkdirectory.com/ |
blpdirectory.info/ |
dirwell.com/ |
freeprwebdirectory.com/ |
worldweb-directory.com/ |
weboworld.com/ |
fat64.net/ |
freeinternetwebdirectory.com/ |
bahiacar.com/ |
theredtree.com/ |
intelseek.com/ |
marketingwebdirectory.com/ |
hitwebdirectory.com/ |
the-free-directory.co.uk/ |
alistsites.com/ |
a1webdirectory.org/ |
canadawebdir.com/ |
thetusker.biz/ |
pr3plus.com/ |
worldweb-directory.com/ |
10directory.com/ |
freetoprankdirectory.com/ |
intelseek.com/ |
website-services.biz/ |
freedirectorysubmit.com/ |
urlcastle.com/ |
directoryfire.com/ |
cipinet.com/ |
freedirectorysubmit.com/ |
alistdirectory.com/ |
qualityinternetdirectory.com/ |
busybits.com/ |
anaximanderdirectory.com/ |
hotvsnot.com/ |
pr8directory.com/ |
intelseek.com/ |
directory-free.com/ |
cipinet.com/ |
acewebdirectory.com/ |
1websdirectory.com/ |
the-web-directory.co.uk/ |
thalesdirectory.com/ |
prolinkdirectory.com/ |
1abc.org/ |
cyprus-net.com/ |
directorybin.com/ |
allfreethings.com/ |
newwebdirectory.com/ |
pegasusdirectory.com/ |
9sites.net/ |
viesearch.com/ |
pegasusdirectory.com/ |
h-log.com/ |
usalistingdirectory.com/ |
submissionwebdirectory.com/ |
ukinternetdirectory.net/ |
somuch.com/ |
r-tt.com/ |
marketinginternetdirectory.com/ |
dizila.com/ |
promotebusinessdirectory.com/ |
gmawebdirectory.com/ |
freefind.com/ |
edom.co.uk/ |
goaddurl.com/ |
hotvsnot.com/ |
vdir.eu/ |
linkspurt.com/ |
marketingwebdirectory.com/ |
linknom.com/ |
webdirectorybit.com/ |
linkdir.info/ |
pr3plus.com/ |
seokeeper.com/ |
seekdragon.com/ |
directoryhost.org/ |
ldmstudio.com/ |
enforum.net/ |
mediadesk.org/ |
craigslistdirectory.net/ |
oscardirectory.com/ |
usawebsitesdirectory.com/ |
canadiandirectory.org/ |
thelinkssys.com/ |
seofreetools.net/ |
diyodp.com/ |
mediafiredirectlink.com/ |
sound-directory.com/ |
freetoprankdirectory.com/ |
bedirectory.com/ |
niledirectory.com/ |
searchenginesubmission.biz/ |
search-group.com/ |
freeaddurl.org/ |
weboworld.com/ |
rowma.com/ |
deeplinker.net/ |
tools4noobs.com/ |
efficientdirectory.com/ |
readytofind.com/ |
postfreedirectory.com/ |
finest4.com/ |
alabamaindex.com/ |
a1webdirectory.org/ |
pmin.org/ |
morefunz.com/ |
promotebusinessdirectory.com/ |
royallinkup.com/ |
dirnets.com/ |
directoryfire.com/ |
bobresources.com/ |
idahoindex.com/ |
thegreatdirectory.org/ |
urlcastle.com/ |
evolvingcritic.com/ |
thedailysubmit.com/ |
fat64.net/ |
the-net-directory.com/ |
godirectory.org/ |
fivestarscenter.com/ |
mydannyseo.com/ |
royallinkup.com/ |
zopso.com/ |
bizyads.com/ |
addlinkzfree.com/ |
abstractdirectory.org/ |
robolinks.com/ |
blitzdirectory.com/ |
linkmysite.net/ |
website-services.biz/ |
3. Directory Submission Sites List
No. | Directory Submission Website List |
1 | webdirectoryphil.com |
2 | business.yelp.com |
3 | boingboing.net |
4 | blogflux.com |
5 | bestplumbers.com |
6 | scrubtheweb.com |
7 | ontoplist.com |
8 | inyectronicawc.com |
9 | bloggernity.com |
10 | directorycodes.com |
11 | gardendirectory.com.ar |
12 | intercambioseo.com |
13 | gigablast.com |
14 | 10directory.info |
15 | sonicrun.com |
16 | entireweb.com |
17 | addnewlink.com.ar |
18 | khersonrent.com |
19 | biddingdirectory.com.ar |
20 | Submitlink.com.ar |
21 | directorycloud.info |
22 | directoryworld.net |
23 | viesearch.com |
24 | top-site-list.com |
25 | lawyersdirectoryusa.com |
26 | bloghints.com |
27 | linkcentre.com |
28 | somuch.com |
29 | attorneys.superlawyers.com |
30 | yellowpagesdirectory.com |
31 | finduslawyers.org |
32 | infotiger.com |
33 | thetopz.com |
34 | freeprwebdirectory.com |
35 | anoox.com |
36 | botw.org |
37 | umdum.com |
38 | jasminedirectory.com |
39 | idmoz.org |
40 | submitexpress.com |
41 | usalistingdirectory.com |
42 | 1abc.org |
43 | marketinginternetdirectory.com |
44 | one-sublime-directory.com |
45 | intelseek.com |
46 | tsection.com |
47 | beegdirectory.com |
48 | craigslistdir.org |
49 | domaining.in |
50 | aweblist.org |
51 | blog-directory.org |
52 | facebook-list.com |
53 | aquarius-dir.com |
54 | sublimedir.net |
55 | lemon-directory.com |
56 | splut.com |
57 | interesting-dir.com |
58 | ukinternetdirectory.net |
59 | gmawebdirectory.com |
60 | online-sweepstakes.com |
61 | clicksordirectory.com |
62 | poordirectory.com |
63 | craigslistdirectory.net |
64 | bing-directory.com |
65 | ecodir.net |
66 | target-directory.com |
67 | directoryvault.com |
68 | ebay-dir.com |
69 | ask-directory.com |
70 | upsdirectory.com |
71 | botid.org |
72 | bestbuydir.com |
73 | lawtally.com |
74 | webtoolhub.com |
75 | a1webdirectory.org |
76 | threelinkdirectory.com |
77 | directoryanalytic.com |
78 | prolinkdirectory.com |
79 | apeopledirectory.com |
80 | ellysdirectory.com |
81 | smartseolink.org |
82 | info-listings.com |
83 | freewebsubmission.com |
84 | promotebusinessdirectory.com |
85 | seodirectoryonline.org |
86 | directory10.biz |
87 | free-weblink.com |
88 | usawebsitesdirectory.com |
89 | namedirectory.com.ar |
90 | mediafiredirectlink.com |
91 | onlinesociety.org |
92 | skoobe.biz |
93 | monsterdirectory.com.ar |
94 | 247webdirectory.com |
95 | touchlocal.com |
96 | populardirectory.biz |
97 | 4all.blahoo.net |
98 | elitesitesdirectory.com |
99 | trafficdirectory.org |
100 | siteswebdirectory.com |
101 | prolink-directory.com |
102 | mugro.info |
103 | allstatesusadirectory.com |
104 | corpdirectory.info |
105 | linkdirectorylistings.org |
106 | operationuplink.org |
107 | directoryfire.com |
108 | classdirectory.org |
109 | targetlink.biz |
110 | h-log.com |
111 | populardirectory.org |
112 | freetoprankdirectory.com |
113 | directorydirect.net |
114 | cotid.org |
115 | optimisationdirectory.info |
116 | pusha.se |
117 | directories.getlegal.com |
118 | phccweb.org |
119 | golocal247.com |
120 | home-improvement.regionaldirectory.us |
121 | zexro.info |
122 | submit.biz |
123 | harddirectory.net |
124 | bpubs.com |
125 | justlink.org |
126 | abacusseo.com |
127 | busybits.com |
128 | nonar.com |
129 | allsitessorted.com |
130 | homedirectory.biz |
131 | hydeparkbooks.com |
132 | suggest-url.net |
133 | ranaf.com |
134 | mavensearch.com |
135 | domico.info |
136 | freeweblink.org |
137 | digabusiness.com |
138 | zendirectory.com.ar |
139 | linkdir4u.com |
140 | 10directory.com |
141 | exactseek.com |
142 | avivadirectory.com |
143 | mastermoz.com |
144 | contractors.com |
145 | w3catalog.com |
146 | momsdirectory.net |
147 | gtsee.com |
148 | wlddirectory.com |
149 | happal.com |
150 | addyoursitefreesubmit.com |
151 | urldirecting.com |
152 | handtucher.net |
153 | freeinternetwebdirectory.com |
154 | blogdirectory.ws |
155 | textlinkdirectory.com |
156 | addlinkzfree.com |
157 | spillbean.com |
158 | towebmaster.net |
159 | gtspauae.com |
160 | picktu.com |
161 | thetortellini.com |
162 | obln.org |
163 | pakadtrader.com |
164 | freeseolink.org |
165 | tgp-internet.com |
166 | educationbug.org |
167 | cybrhome.com |
168 | elecdir.com |
169 | nexusdirectory.com |
170 | mobilen-bg.com |
171 | startupsmeet.com |
172 | free-directories-list.eu |
173 | the-net-directory.com |
174 | boxwind.com |
175 | DirectoryWind.com |
176 | directory-listingsnow.org |
177 | yellowlinker.com |
178 | dmozing.com |
179 | sleekdirectory.com |
180 | jeitacave.net |
181 | webgain.org |
182 | mainostoimistot.info |
183 | bahiacar.com |
184 | jayde.com |
185 | bizhwy.com |
186 | linkdir.info |
187 | linkmysite.net |
188 | abc-directory.com |
189 | joeant.com |
190 | findingourway.net |
191 | yourlinkmarket.com |
192 | alldictionaries.com |
193 | wvchoops.com |
194 | prdirectorylist.com |
195 | bestsubmitdirectory.com |
196 | dizila.com |
197 | limedir.com |
198 | hawkdirectory.com |
199 | seanwise.com |
200 | generaldironline.com |
201 | gatewayoflinks.com |
202 | hotvsnot.com |
203 | organisedlinks.com |
204 | bari.biz |
205 | ampledirectory.com |
206 | lawyers.lawyerlegion.com |
207 | homeimprovementweb.com |
208 | overlandagency.com |
209 | apricotlist.com |
210 | linksbids.net |
211 | linksofchoice.com |
212 | listingdynamite.com |
213 | organisedontheweb.com |
214 | armenianlinks.com |
215 | directorysuper.com |
216 | indexking.net |
217 | compshock.com |
218 | submityoursite.us |
219 | directorysphere.com |
220 | vip7star.com |
221 | bubblesdirectory.com |
222 | linksplaced.com |
223 | allsites.info |
224 | linkpls.com |
225 | submissionsbank.com |
226 | directoryweblinks.com |
227 | cipinet.com |
228 | websquash.com |
229 | freeadstime.org |
230 | directorysolar.com |
231 | linkindex.biz |
232 | nebulalist.com |
233 | uniquesubmitter.com |
234 | alabamaindex.com |
235 | directorymaroon.com |
236 | reservedlinks.com |
237 | uklinks.info |
238 | 5submission.com |
239 | redirectplus.info |
240 | prsl.info |
241 | loadspy.com |
242 | cometsdirectory.com |
243 | rapidboostmarketing.com |
244 | justgreatlawyers.com |
245 | besttopdir.info |
246 | directorycritic.info |
247 | infobert.com |
248 | linksdirectory.info |
249 | wewebware.com |
250 | darkdir.info |
251 | ezistreet.com |
252 | sponsoredhomepage.com |
253 | generalbusinesswebdirectory.com |
254 | fuelmywebsite.com |
255 | hdvconnect.com |
256 | 01webdirectory.com |
257 | linkboost.info |
258 | deeperlinks.info |
259 | chicagointernetdirectory.com |
260 | vbdirectory.info |
261 | realplayerlive.com |
262 | mydannyseo.com |
263 | alinkdirectory.info |
264 | citymaildirectory.info |
265 | firstppt.com |
266 | fivestarsautopawn.com |
267 | bananadirectories.com |
268 | ourdirectory.info |
269 | submissionwebdirectory.com |
270 | angelsdirectory.com |
271 | allsoldier.com |
272 | coastradar.info |
273 | Athenelinks.com |
274 | businessseek.biz |
275 | calif.com |
276 | acedirectory.org |
277 | llt8.com |
278 | directorycritic.com |
279 | activdirectory.net |
280 | abstractdirectory.net |
281 | pinellaslife.com |
282 | directorybusinesssite.org |
283 | professoroftheopenweb.org |
284 | freewebsitedirectory.com |
285 | freedirectorysubmissionsites.com |
286 | alistdirectory.com |
287 | directory6.org |
288 | gimpsy.com |
289 | blogdirs.com |
290 | constructionworld.org |
291 | 1websdirectory.com |
292 | highrankdirectory.com |
293 | alivedirectory.com |
294 | linksgiving.com |
295 | textmodern.com |
296 | paradaise.net |
297 | europeannavigator.eu |
298 | likeddot.com |
299 | sitepromotiondirectory.com |
300 | directory5.org |
301 | giganticlist.com |
302 | 9sites.net |
303 | goguides.org |
304 | ads.digitalmarketinghints.com |
305 | growplumbing.com |
306 | uklistings.org |
307 | submitx.com |
308 | fire-directory.com |
309 | relevantdirectories.com |
310 | cannylink.com |
311 | arcwm.org |
312 | ruce.org |
313 | linkindexdirectory.com |
314 | findelio.com |
315 | britainbusinessdirectory.com |
316 | wallclassifieds.com |
317 | gainweb.org |
318 | netinsert.com |
319 | aconvenientfiction.com |
320 | directory.candomultimedia.com |
321 | conferencesmyway.org |
322 | homeandgardendir.com |
323 | judged.com |
324 | newwebdirectory.com |
325 | bizbamboo.com |
326 | a2place.com |
327 | huludirectory.com |
328 | airboatdirectory.com |
329 | litetopia.com |
330 | eslovar.com |
331 | pr8directory.com |
332 | acewebdirectory.com |
333 | thalesdirectory.com |
334 | morefunz.com |
335 | quicklinks.net |
336 | ajdee.com |
337 | sergiuungureanu.com |
338 | dondir.com |
339 | pakranks.com |
340 | etaaps.org |
341 | directory-free.com |
342 | Nctweb.com |
343 | txtlinks.com |
344 | canadawebdir.com |
345 | theseoking.com |
346 | bedwan.com |
347 | linkspurt.com |
348 | deepbluedirectory.com |
349 | hotdirectory.net |
350 | poweredindia.com |
351 | sevenseek.com |
352 | productselectoren.com |
353 | adverttree.com |
354 | allfreethings.com |
355 | usgeo.org |
356 | bestdirectory4you.com |
357 | h1ad.com |
358 | addbusiness.net |
359 | dotnet-webhosting.com |
360 | websitespromotiondirectory.com |
361 | findermaster.com |
362 | rapidenetwork.eu |
363 | ad.ologames.com |
364 | traveltourismdirectory.info |
365 | arcticdirectory.com |
366 | verygoodservice.com |
367 | cleangreendirectory.com |
368 | legalreach.com |
369 | keytradeinvest.com |
370 | buyclassiccars.com |
371 | ecobluedirectory.com |
372 | jewana.com |
373 | digitalrain.in |
374 | classifiedsfactor.com |
375 | directory.com.au |
376 | weboworld.com |
377 | directoryseo.biz |
378 | fashionlistings.org |
379 | alistsites.com |
380 | anirbans.com |
381 | walldirectory.com |
382 | edom.co.uk |
383 | mohawkdirectory.info |
384 | link01directory.com |
385 | directoryws.com |
386 | linkaddurl.com |
387 | Bocaiw.net |
388 | synergy-directory.com |
389 | worldweb-directory.com |
390 | flognaw.com |
391 | qualityinternetdirectory.com |
392 | daduru.com |
393 | dracodirectory.com |
394 | seokeeper.com |
395 | shopinusa.com |
396 | dir.specialistauctions.net |
397 | blackgreendirectory.com |
398 | dirhello.com |
399 | nextbizdoor.com |
400 | kwikgoblin.com |
401 | onemilliondirectory.com |
402 | mathi.info |
403 | hitwebdirectory.com |
404 | linkpedia.net |
405 | nipao.org |
406 | contentclear.org |
407 | livepopular.com |
408 | australiawebdirectory.net |
409 | localsites.ca |
410 | allbusinessdirectory.biz |
411 | advertiseera.com |
412 | intwebdirectory.com |
413 | bluesparkledirectory.com |
414 | anaximanderdirectory.com |
415 | blahoo.net |
416 | fixthehome.com |
417 | pathlegal.com |
418 | callbuster.net |
419 | celestialdirectory.com |
420 | sitesondisplay.com |
421 | postfreedirectory.com |
422 | screamingcars.com |
423 | callyourcountry.com |
424 | directory4cars.com |
425 | groovy-directory.com |
426 | seowebdir.net |
427 | homepageseek.com |
428 | fionadates.com |
429 | add-page.com |
430 | redlinker.com |
431 | evolvingcritic.com |
432 | canopusdirectory.com |
433 | diamondoa.org |
434 | free-link-directory.info |
435 | einternetindex.com |
436 | the-web-directory.co.uk |
437 | webdirectory.co.in |
438 | marketingwebdirectory.com |
439 | thewebdirectory.org |
440 | ads.shopolop.com |
441 | leadinglinkdirectory.com |
442 | cozyhome.com.au |
443 | photographerlistings.org |
444 | affiliateprogramslocator.com |
445 | justadirectory.com |
446 | royallinkup.com |
447 | online-websites-directory.com |
448 | a1infoclub.com |
449 | webguiding.net |
450 | abstractdirectory.com |
451 | caida.eu |
452 | herlight.com |
453 | Linkresell.com |
454 | zopso.com |
455 | Hitalyzer.com |
456 | abovealldirectory.com |
457 | yellowpagecollegedirectory.com |
458 | canadiandirectory.org |
459 | deeplinker.net |
460 | seotarget.net |
461 | thebacklinkpros.com |
462 | infobest.co.uk |
463 | vip-pro.com |
464 | seorange.com |
465 | cadillactight.com |
466 | theseobacklink.com |
467 | freewebdirectory.biz |
468 | findsites.net |
469 | ananar.com |
470 | maxumise.biz |
471 | pinklinker.com |
472 | intuisyz.com |
473 | add-url.in |
474 | addyourlnksnow.com |
475 | dirnets.com |
476 | balti.biz |
477 | Dir-submitter.info |
478 | diverselist.com |
479 | visionwebdirectory.com |
480 | viewfreeads.com |
481 | generalshoppingdirectory.com |
482 | seoseek.net |
483 | wgsmedia.ne |
484 | sageshark.com |
485 | piseries.com |
486 | directorycar.com |
487 | articleside.com |
488 | dilawctory.com |
489 | allworldgymnastics.org |
490 | submitdotcom.com |
491 | bergerdirectory.com |
492 | dir.us.com |
493 | travellistings.org |
494 | drikdir.com |
495 | 0ad1.com |
496 | directorystaff.com |
497 | holovibes.biz |
498 | contenteurope.com |
499 | informationcrawler.com |
500 | 10stardirectory.com |
501 | olarex.eu |
502 | educationdirectory.com.au |
503 | seodeeplinks.net |
504 | digilondon.co.uk |
505 | directoryfeeds.com |
506 | sites-plus.com |
507 | directoryauto.com |
508 | blahoo.info |
509 | blogsbycountry.com |
510 | mayorken.org |
511 | xtians.com |
512 | wondex.com |
513 | 10startravels.com |
514 | ayroo.com |
515 | rectanglead.com |
516 | gtawebdirectory.com |
517 | alligatordirectory.com |
518 | tagshub.com |
519 | dealdirectory.com |
520 | usacompanydirectory.com |
521 | addedtheurl.com |
522 | lawyerslistings.com |
523 | greenbuilding.co |
524 | urltrawler.com |
525 | smallerbizz.com |
526 | idahoindex.com |
527 | bizzdirectory.com |
528 | Dn2i.com |
529 | bobresources.com |
530 | freedirectory.yonola.com |
531 | Sitetweets.net |
532 | website-services.biz |
533 | medicalhealthsites.com |
534 | biznisdirectory.com |
535 | advanceaustraliafair.com |
536 | usaplumbingdirectory.com |
537 | socal-lawyerdirectory.com |
538 | hrwebdir.org |
539 | abireal.com |
540 | brownlinker.com |
541 | samaysawara.in |
542 | superadpost.com |
543 | usatohouse.com |
544 | webappsdirectory.com |
545 | mylegalpractice.com |
546 | listar.in |
547 | spiffysearch.com |
548 | directoryof.business |
549 | Addsite.info |
550 | ctflames.com |
551 | directories.net.in |
552 | thegreatdirectory.org |
553 | pelicandirectory.com |
554 | submitfreeurl.com |
555 | diginyc.com |
556 | verydirectory.com |
557 | ask-sherlock.co.uk |
558 | refreshlocal.com |
559 | homeplan-it.com |
560 | wgshost.com |
561 | rowrug.com |
562 | ask4justice.com |
563 | generaldirectorylistings.org |
564 | Anoj.org |
565 | graydir.com |
566 | educatordir.com |
567 | picknbuy.com |
568 | ajooja.com |
569 | webdirectorylisting.com |
570 | motormegasite.com.au |
571 | bestautomotivesites.com |
572 | myzipplumbers.com |
573 | thehomeimprovementdirectory.com |
574 | lexza.org |
575 | mpiperu.com |
576 | flameu.com |
577 | homeimprovementdir.org |
578 | ananor.com |
579 | directorycompressed.com |
580 | submitrelevantsites.com |
581 | thegeekshow.pl |
582 | bizhd.com |
583 | worldpopular.com |
584 | directorystock.com |
585 | seozoic.com |
586 | s-eo.net |
587 | extremeontheweb.com |
588 | directorylinkservice.com |
589 | lifetimeranking.com |
590 | bizyads.com |
591 | asia-web-directory.com |
592 | directoryposts.com |
593 | localplumbingdirectory.co.uk |
594 | dirswift.com |
595 | advanceddirectory.org |
596 | Dir.org.vn |
597 | directorysection.com |
598 | lawyerdirectory.legal |
599 | ukhomeimprovementdirectory.com |
600 | moonstonedirectory.com |
601 | educationyp.com |
602 | theplumbingdirectory.com |
603 | topdirectorieslist.com |
604 | gbusinesslisting.com |
605 | usafreearticles.com |
606 | spanishtradedirectory.com |
607 | businessfreedirectory.com |
608 | lucknow.gamelinkdirectory.com |
609 | brownedgedirectory.com |
610 | zendirectory.neobacklinks.net |
611 | freewebdirectory.com.ar |
612 | social-bookmarkingsites.com |
613 | mywebdirectory.com.ar |
614 | pantherdirectory.com |
615 | magpiedirectory.com |
616 | taurusdirectory.com |
617 | 000directory.com.ar |
618 | fivestarscenter.com |
619 | worldwebwall.com |
620 | thedirectory.com.ar |
621 | guestblogging.pro |
622 | hostingtres.com.ar |
623 | ukdirectory.com.ar |
624 | ncdirectory.com.ar |
625 | faviconstyle.com |
626 | workdirectory.info |
627 | the.topentry.info |
628 | propellerdir.com |
629 | targetsviews.com |
630 | erskinedesign.eu |
631 | blpdirectory.info |
632 | fat64.net |
633 | gcast.info |
634 | vine8.net |
635 | 82470.com |
636 | linksef.info |
637 | widedir.info |
638 | blogdir.info |
639 | 1dir.biz |
640 | tfwd.org |
641 | edgetrans.net |
642 | drtest.net |
643 | imseo.info |
644 | 80245.com |
645 | fearinc.org |
646 | csubilc.org |
647 | golddirectory.info |
648 | linknom.com |
649 | 24directory.com.ar |
650 | greylinker.com |
651 | webglance.com |
652 | connectseo.info |
653 | justdirectory.org |
654 | newseosites.com |
655 | jaipur.futbollinker.com |
656 | backlinkbeat.com |
657 | firstlinkonline.info |
658 | authorizeddir.com |
659 | tiptopdirectory.com |
660 | bizz-directory.com |
661 | fivestarfastlane.info |
662 | executivedirectory.com.ar |
663 | backlinkpower.com.ar |
664 | simpledirectory.com.ar |
665 | directorymaster.com.ar |
666 | unionofdirectories.com |
667 | submitbusinessdirectory.info |
668 | karnataka.seofriendly.com.ar |
669 | web-host-industry.com |
670 | gtspauae.neobacklinks.com |
671 | pune.freelinkdirectory.info |
672 | directoryempire.info |
673 | fastdirectory.com.ar |
674 | stansmithshoes.org |
675 | unique-listing.com |
676 | seofriendly.com.ar |
677 | quickdirectory.biz |
678 | onecooldir.com |
679 | lepsiasplatka.eu |
680 | links.snbuysell.com |
681 | indore.linksef.info |
682 | goaflam.net |
683 | weblister.com.ar |
684 | azurtrading.com |
685 | efdir.com |
686 | iqdir.com |
687 | websitedir.info |
688 | ocsum.org |
689 | futbollinker.com |
690 | ukzone.info |
691 | pr3plus.com |
692 | admax.co.uk |
693 | directorync.com.ar |
694 | datelinks.info |
695 | cafelaunch.com |
696 | neobacklinks.net |
697 | prdirectory.com.ar |
698 | vipdirectory.com.ar |
699 | redlavadirectory.com.ar |
700 | gamelinkdirectory.com |
701 | universaldirectory.info |
702 | submityourlink.com.ar |
703 | kengairu.com |
704 | harddirectory.info |
705 | websitelist.com.ar |
706 | linkwindfall.info |
707 | vipweblinks.info |
708 | u-hits.com |
709 | linknarrative.info |
710 | thetusker.biz |
711 | book.thetusker.biz |
712 | nationdirectory.info |
713 | 1directory.net |
714 | freelinkdirectory.info |
715 | premium.uklinks.info |
716 | list-listings.org |
717 | linkforfree.com.ar |
718 | poec.neobacklinks.net |
719 | link.searchdirectory.info |
720 | searchdirectory.info |
721 | free-web-link-directory.com |
722 | addyourwebsite.com.ar |
723 | seo.optimisationdirectory.info |
724 | directory-for-submission.com |
725 | blackandbluedirectory.com |
726 | chameleonwebservices.com |
727 | colorblossomdirectory.com |
728 | advancedseodirectory.com |
729 | nationalflyfishingexpo.org |
730 | darkschemedirectory.com |
731 | expansiondirectory.com |
732 | bidsyndicate.neobacklinks.net |
733 | directory.ldmstudio.com |
734 | terminatordirectory.info |
735 | efficientdirectory.com |
736 | directory.azurtrading.com |
737 | generalwebdirectory.org |
738 | directory4website.com |
739 | hostingtres.com |
740 | salondugolf.biz |
741 | hotfrogbiz.com.ar |
742 | webdirectory.top |
743 | alexa.com.ar |
744 | browselists.com |
745 | scraze.net |
746 | taapslink.org |
747 | sitepros.org |
748 | dirjournal.info |
749 | directseek.info |
750 | tradequotes.org |
751 | prosconsreviews.info |
752 | powerdirectory.com.ar |
753 | bihar.weblister.com.ar |
754 | freebacklinks.cc |
755 | newfreedirectory.com.ar |
756 | projectcollabmanila.com |
757 | avarva.yonola.com |
758 | abstractdirectory.org |
759 | cawausa.neobacklinks.net |
760 | coastradar.neobacklinks.net |
761 | escortlinkdirectory.info |
762 | crosswebdirectory.info |
763 | linkedin-directory.com |
764 | gurgaon.workdirectory.info |
765 | bidsyndicate.com.ar |
766 | jaguardirectory.com |
767 | creativeslice.co.uk |
768 | smartlinkdir.co.uk |
769 | welcomelinks.info |
770 | networkeddirectory.org |
771 | royaldirectory.biz |
772 | directory32.com |
773 | asia.linksdirectory.info |
774 | india.harddirectory.info |
775 | kolkata.deeperlinks.info |
776 | surat.directorycloud.info |
777 | sizzlingdirectory.com |
778 | fruity-directory.com |
779 | corporate.10directory.info |
780 | theworktalkshow.biz |
781 | coles-directory.com |
782 | greatdirectorylinks.com |
783 | yourbabycan.biz |
784 | ontheweblisted.com |
785 | fozzeyandvanc.com |
786 | uplevel.info |
787 | linkshere.com.ar |
788 | ad-links.org |
789 | wayry.com |
790 | 652186.com |
791 | w3dir.com |
792 | mhurley.org |
793 | vdir.eu |
794 | mikwo.com |
795 | rajaf.com |
796 | poec.info |
797 | amray.com |
798 | cawausa.org |
799 | doyourankhigh.com |
800 | 652186.neobacklinks.net |
801 | business.10directory.info |
802 | tristardirectory.com |
803 | search.fenixdirectory.info |
804 | google.fenixdirectory.info |
805 | starsdirectory.com.ar |
806 | linkvertex.com |
807 | sitetrawler.com |
808 | johnnylist.org |
809 | guamwebz.org |
810 | linkdirectory.com.ar |
811 | yanktonsales.org |
812 | vvipmarkets.com |
813 | everbestlinks.com |
814 | alive2directory.com |
815 | crocodiledirectory.com |
816 | bluebook-directory.com |
817 | mumbai.000directory.com.ar |
818 | aurora-directory.com |
819 | thedailysubmit.com |
820 | submitboost.com |
821 | fenixdirectory.info |
822 | bis-project.eu |
823 | 1188la.net |
824 | vxnt.org |
825 | yunjii.com |
826 | happytolist.com |
827 | persiamail.biz |
828 | moonsunfavor.com |
829 | brestlinks.com |
830 | gowwwlist.com |
831 | packagedice.biz |
832 | hotweburls.com |
833 | whatsonweb.com |
834 | nycenergytech.org |
835 | mercedsystems.biz |
836 | heartgalleryofnw.org |
837 | directory-link.com |
838 | niledirectory.com |
839 | isyoursiteranked.com |
840 | thecgisite.com |
841 | newworldindex.com |
842 | caplus.co.uk |
843 | ribcast.com |
844 | iayn.org |
845 | ussitedir.com |
846 | ehdra.org |
847 | ecofab.biz |
848 | unimin.org |
849 | callfor.co.in |
850 | thehillel.org |
851 | gateuk.com |
852 | abicloud.org |
853 | fidofindit.com |
854 | lcdintouch.org |
855 | ciberespiral.eu |
856 | hunwebdirectory.info |
857 | directdirectory.org |
858 | web-sites-directory.com |
859 | link-your-site.com |
860 | webdirectorylink.com |
861 | searchdomainhere.com |
862 | smartseobacklink.com |
863 | finditnowdirectory.com.au |
864 | ad.ologames.com |
865 | list-directories.com |
866 | allinksdirectory.com |
867 | directoryfever.com |
868 | directorycave.com |
869 | directorytag.com |
870 | linkroo.com |
871 | d-i-r.com |
872 | easylinklist.com |
873 | linkdevils.com |
874 | linknthink.com |
875 | directorydudes.com |
876 | 2daydir.com |
877 | revusa.com |
878 | baikalglobal.com |
879 | wldirectory.com |
880 | socialcliff.com |
881 | ecctrade.com |
882 | web-directory-site.com |
883 | elephantdirectory.com |
884 | hotnews.org |
885 | wincyspider.com |
886 | joinsociety.com |
887 | webworldindex.com |
888 | pintamfelic.com |
889 | linkteve.com |
890 | shistlbb.com |
891 | thsbl.com |
892 | autopilotdirectory.com |
893 | sites.securepaynet.net |
894 | dir-submitter.inf |
895 | arbecey.com |
896 | directorytribe.com |
897 | linkpartnersdirectory.com |
898 | fileindex.net |
899 | directory100.info |
900 | ogdenscore.com |
901 | godirectory.org |
902 | digitaleveuk.org |
903 | towerpromote.com |
904 | sitechakra.com |
905 | holdtiteadhesives.com |
906 | directorylist.me |
907 | top1directory.com |
908 | submithunter.com |
909 | bestfreewebsites.net |
910 | linkslive.info |
911 | aresdirectoryresource.com |
912 | webzveno.com |
913 | findingresult.com |
914 | bpdir.com |
915 | spiderivy.com |
916 | zeezo.com |
917 | cogizz.com |
918 | directory.am |
919 | es-solution.com |
920 | zorkk.com |
921 | drumtv.com |
922 | busybits.co.uk |
923 | efreedirectory.com |
924 | in-sla.org |
925 | galyeannursery.com |
926 | in.uk.com |
927 | ayo.am |
928 | vinylcartel.com |
929 | links.scrabblestop.com |
930 | hsmarket.com |
Directory Submission Sites List
No. | Directory Submission Sites List |
931 | fwebdirectory.com |
932 | infrasec-conf.org |
933 | directory.tl |
934 | fastdirectorylist.com |
935 | zoock.net |
936 | justdirectory.net |
937 | aaf14.org |
938 | gogreece.com |
939 | directory.edu.vn |
940 | enforum.ne |
941 | triplewdirectory.com |
942 | deeplinksdirectory.co |
943 | lutonengineering.com |
944 | submit-url.org |
945 | thehoth.com |
946 | asepag.org |
947 | finest4.com |
948 | unleadeddigital.com |
949 | red-ibex.com |
950 | addyourblog.com |
951 | yesitsfree.co.uk |
952 | directorieslist.net |
953 | addurl.nu |
954 | hoo.blahoo.net |
955 | nowhoo.com |
956 | web-directory-sites.org |
957 | snapcc.org |
958 | theredtree.com |
959 | directmylink.com |
960 | diroo.org |
961 | freedirectorysubmit.com |
962 | voxcap.com |
963 | puppyurl.com |
964 | yoofindit.com |
965 | rdirectory.net |
966 | submitlinkurl.com |
967 | the-free-directory.co.uk |
968 | secure.linkcentre.com |
969 | sercm.org |
970 | diamonddirectory.org |
971 | officialsearch.com |
972 | dirjournal.com |
973 | bhanvad.com |
974 | vision-iq.com |
975 | bigtenu.org |
976 | globeofblogs.com |
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1699 | cherasite.com |
1700 | lifetimevotes.com |
1701 | submissioninstalled.com |
1702 | processingwebsite.com |
1703 | uk-dir.com |
1704 | 101bookmarks.com |
1705 | listingappearance.com |
1706 | linktheway.com |
Advantages of Directory Submission Sites
- Enhanced SEO:
- directory submission can still contribute to improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO).
- When you submit your website to reputable directories, it can generate backlinks to your site, which search engines consider a positive ranking factor.
- Targeted Traffic:
- Directory submission allows you to attract targeted traffic.
- Users actively searching for specific services or products discover your site through relevant directories.
- Domain Authority Boost:
- Listings on reputable directories can significantly enhance your website’s domain authority.
- Domain authority is a metric considered by search engines to gauge a website’s relevance and influence.
- Indexing and Discovery:
- Submitting your website to directories improves indexing.
- Search engines discover and index new web pages more efficiently when they are listed in relevant directories.
Disadvantages of Directory Submission Sites
While directory submission can be beneficial for building backlinks and improving SEO, it’s essential to recognize its limitations. Here are some potential drawbacks:
1. Spam Risk:
- Issue: Some directories are low-quality or even spammy. These directories exist solely for link-building purposes and lack editorial oversight.
- Impact: Submitting your website to such directories can harm your SEO efforts. Search engines may penalize your site if it’s associated with spammy directories.
- Solution: Prioritize reputable directories with strict quality standards. Avoid mass submissions to low-quality directories.
2. Time-Consuming:
- Issue: Manual submissions take time and effort. Visiting each directory individually, filling out forms, and adhering to guidelines can be time-consuming.
- Impact: Spending excessive time on directory submissions may divert your focus from other essential SEO tasks.
- Solution: Balance your efforts. Allocate time for directory submissions while also investing in content creation, link building, and other SEO strategies.
3. Not All Directories Are Equal:
- Issue: Not all directories carry the same weight in terms of SEO impact. Some directories have high domain authority and relevance, while others are less influential.
- Impact: Submitting to irrelevant or low-quality directories won’t yield significant benefits.
- Solution: Research directories thoroughly. Choose those related to your niche or industry. Look for directories with high domain authority and an excellent reputation.
Directory submission remains a valuable part of SEO, but it’s essential to approach it strategically. Focus on quality over quantity, avoid spammy directories, and balance your efforts with other SEO techniques. Remember that SEO is a long-term game, and consistent, thoughtful actions yield better results.
Best Practices for Effective Directory Submission
Directory submission is a valuable strategy for building backlinks and improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). To maximize its impact, follow these best practices:
- Check Indexing Status:
Before submitting to a directory, ensure that search engines can find it. Check if the directory is indexed by searching its name on Google. An indexed directory is more likely to benefit your website.
- Use Diverse Keywords:
Create unique and compelling titles for your submissions. Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your titles to improve your SEO rankings. Avoid generic titles and opt for specific, descriptive ones.
- Manual Submission Is Key:
While automated tools exist, manual submission is more effective. Take the time to visit each directory individually and submit your website details. This personalized approach ensures accuracy and relevance.
- Explore Niche Directory:
Look beyond general directories. Explore niche-specific directories related to your industry or business. Niche directories attract a more targeted audience interested in your offerings.
- Diversify Your Link-Building:
Don’t rely solely on directory submission. Combine it with other link-building strategies such as guest-posting, content marketing, and outreach. Diversification strengthens your overall SEO efforts.
- Follow Submission Guidelines:
Each directory has specific guidelines. Adhere to them meticulously. Pay attention to character limits, formatting, and required fields. A well-prepared submission increases your chances of approval.
- Use Diverse Anchor Text:
When adding your website’s URL, vary the anchor text. Instead of using the same keyword every time, mix it up with related phrases. Natural anchor-text profiles are more favorable to search engines.
- Update Your Submission Regularly:
Periodically revisit your directory listings. Update any changes to your website, such as new content, services, or contact information. Keeping your listings current ensures accuracy and relevance.
Remember, directory submission is just one piece of the SEO puzzle. Combine it with other on-page and off-page strategies for comprehensive results. Quality matters over quantity, so choose reputable directories related to your niche.
By following these best practices, you’ll make the most of directory submission and enhance your website’s online presence.
Quality SEO Resources for Link Building
Directory submission sites are among several methods in SEO to enhance your website’s ranking. However, SEO goes beyond simply building links through directory submission.
If you’re seeking alternative business strategies, I’ve shared some preferred methods on my blogs. These are the following;
1. Profile Creation Sites
Profile creation is a powerful SEO technique that I highly recommend. By creating profiles on various platforms, you can secure quality backlinks, build trust, and improve social signals. Here’s how to make the most of profile creation:
- Choose Reputable Platforms: Focus on well-established sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, VK, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These platforms have high authority and can significantly impact your website’s traffic.
- Optimize Your Profiles: create compelling bios, add relevant information, and include a link back to your website. Consistent branding across profiles reinforces your online presence.
- Engage Actively: Interact with other users, share valuable content, and participate in discussions. Active engagement enhances your credibility and encourages others to link to your profile.
For instance, leveraging Twitter can propel your business from zero to substantial monthly recurring revenue (MRR) within weeks. So, don’t hesitate—start building those profiles!
2. Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking remains a valuable strategy, even though the landscape has evolved. While the number of quality social bookmarking sites has decreased, there are still opportunities to drive traffic and boost rankings. Consider the following steps:
- Identify Relevant Sites: Compile a list of reputable social bookmarking platforms that align with your niche. Quality matters more than quantity.
- Submit Your Links: Share your content on these platforms. Create engaging descriptions and choose appropriate categories. Remember, consistency is key.
- Leverage Broken Link Building: Use tools like Ahrefs or Screaming Frog to find broken links on relevant websites. Create alternative content on your own site and notify the linkers about it.
3. Article Submission Sites
Article submission sites play a crucial role in off-page SEO. By submitting your well-written articles to these platforms, you can achieve several benefits:
- High-Quality Backlinks: When you publish articles on reputable sites, you gain valuable backlinks to your website. These links enhance your site’s authority and improve its search engine rankings.
- Increased Visibility: Articles submitted to these platforms reach a broader audience. Readers searching for relevant content discover your articles, leading to increased visibility for your brand.
- Trust and Credibility: Consistently sharing informative articles establishes your expertise in your niche. Readers trust authoritative sources and your brand gains credibility.
- Brand Building: Article submission sites allow you to create a consistent brand presence. Over time, readers recognize your name and associate it with valuable content.
Top Article Submission Sites
Here are some top article submission sites you should consider:
- Google Sites: Instant approval, high Domain Authority (DA), and a large audience make Google Sites an excellent choice
- HubPages: A platform where you can publish articles on various topics. It offers a community of writers and readers
- Quora: While primarily a Q&A platform, Quora allows you to share detailed answers and articles. It has a vast user base
- LinkedIn: Leverage your professional network by publishing articles on LinkedIn. It’s a great way to showcase your expertise
- Medium: Known for its clean interface and engaged readership, Medium is idea for thought-provoking articles
- EzineArticles: A well-established platform for article submission. It provides exposure and quality backlinks
The key to successful article submission lies in creating valuable, well-researched content. Write compelling articles, adhere to guidelines, and watch your brand grow!
4. Web 2.0 Sites
While article submission sites are my go-to, Web 2.0 sites have their place too. These user-generated content platforms allow you to create mini-websites within their domains. Here’s what you need to know:
- What Are Web 2.0 Sites?: Platforms like WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr fall into this category. They enable users to create and publish content without technical expertise.
- How They Work: You can create free blogs or pages on these platforms, customize them, and link back to your main website. It’s like having satellite sites that boost your SEO efforts.
- Pros and Cons:
- Pros: Easy to set up, control, and maintain. They provide additional backlinks and diversify your link profile.
- Cons: Some Web 2.0 sites have lower authority, so choose wisely.
SEO is a dynamic field, so stay informed about the latest trends and adapt your strategies accordingly
5. Guest Posting & Outreaching
Guest posting is a powerful technique for building quality backlinks. When done right, it can significantly boost your website’s reputation, authority, and exposure. Here’s how to make the most of guest posting:
- Start with Research:
- Identify websites in your niche that accept guest posts. Look for platforms with a good reputation and engaged audiences.
- Tools like Hunter and Lemlist can help you find relevant contacts for outreach.
- Outreach Process:
- Reach out to website owners or editors. Express your interest in contributing a guest post.
- Be prepared for some payment requests. Negotiate if needed, but ensure the value aligns with your goals.
- Aim for high-quality websites that resonate with your brand.
- Create Engaging Content:
- Brainstorm topic ideas that provide value to the target audience.
- Write well-researched, informative articles. Showcase your expertise and unique insights.
- Include relevant backlinks to your website within the content.
- Go Live:
- Once your guest post is accepted, celebrate! It’s a win-win situation: you get a backlink, and the host site gets valuable content.
- Promote your guest posts on social media and within your network.
6. Forum Threads & Comments
Forums offer another avenue for link-building and engagement. However, tread carefully:
- Relevance Matters:
- Participate in forums related to your niche. Look for discussions where you can genuinely contribute.
- Avoid spammy forums; they can harm your website’s reputation.
- Forum Link Building:
- Engage in meaningful conversations. Provide helpful answers and insights.
- Include relevant links to your website when appropriate. Don’t overdo it; focus on adding value.
- Watch for Spam:
- Some forums are plagued with spam links. Use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to monitor your backlink profile.
- If you accidentally build links on spammy forums, disavow them in your search console.
If you need professional link-building services, consider exploring HeySERP.
7. Comment Links
Comment links often fly under the radar, but they can be a hidden gem for SEO. Here’s why they matter:
- Underrated Power: Comments on blogs, forums, and other platforms allow you to engage with the community. When you leave thoughtful comments, you not only contribute to the discussion but also create an opportunity for a link back to your website.
- Nofollow vs. Dofollow: While nofollow links don’t directly impact SEO rankings, they still have value. They diversify your link profile and provide traffic. Plus, some nofollow links may eventually turn into dofollow links if the site owner appreciates your contributions.
- Strategic Ratio: Balancing dofollow and nofollow links is essential. Comment links help manage this ratio. They add authenticity and show that your website isn’t just chasing dofollow links.
Finding Comment Link Opportunities
Now, let’s talk about finding these hidden gems. Enter Google Dorks:
- What Are Google Dorks?: Google dorks are specific search queries that fine-tune your Google searches. They help you uncover unconventional results beyond what standard searches yield.
- How to Use Google Dorks for Link Building:
- Identify Relevant Sites: Think about your niche. What blogs, forums, or platforms do your target audience frequent? These are potential comment link opportunities.
- Create Your Dork Query:
- Use operators like site: to search within specific domains (e.g., site:example.com).
- Combine with keywords related to your niche (e.g., site:example.com intitle:”blog”).
- Explore the Results: Visit the sites that pop up. Engage genuinely in discussions and leave insightful comments. Include your website link where appropriate.
quality matters more than quantity. Be authentic, add value, and watch those comment links work their magic!
8. Infographics, PDFs, and Videos
While not my personal favorite, these strategies have their place. Let’s break them down:
- Infographics:
- Create visually appealing infographics using tools like Canva, Photoshop, or Figma.
- Share them on your website and social media.
- Reach out to relevant blogs or websites. Offer your infographic for inclusion in their content (with a link back to your site).
- PDFs:
- Convert your valuable content (e.g., guides, reports) into PDF format.
- Upload them to your site or platforms like SlideShare.
- Promote them as resources. Encourage others to link to them.
- Videos as a Service:
- If you’re skilled at video creation, offer it as a service.
- Collaborate with other websites or bloggers. Create videos related to their content.
- In exchange, ask for a link back to your site.
These methods take effort, but they can yield high-quality links. Choose what aligns with your strengths and goals.
Directory submission sites FAQs
- What Is Directory Submission? Directory submission is an off-page SEO activity that involves listing your website on third-party web directories. By submitting your website link to these directories, you aim to get backlinks and improve your site’s Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA).
- Why Is Directory Submission Important for SEO? Directory submission plays a crucial role in determining your business’s presence on search engines. When done correctly, it can lead to improvements in your website rankings and overall SEO score. Here are some benefits:
- Increases Web Traffic: Listing your business in directories puts your name in front of your target audience, potentially leading to more sales.
- Improves Rankings: Submitting site links to directories enhances your backlink profile, domain authority, and page authority, which can positively impact search engine rankings.
- Boosts Online Exposure: Being discovered in online directories increases exposure, attracting new customers and boosting brand awareness.
- Cost-Effective: Directory submission is an affordable way to generate backlinks
- How Do I Choose the Right Directory for Submission? When selecting directories, keep the following points in mind:
- Read Guidelines: Before submitting your website, carefully read the guidelines provided by the directory.
- Relevance: Choose a category and subcategory that align with your website’s niche.
- Complete Details: Provide all required information, including title, description, meta tags, and keywords.
- Use Valid Email: Avoid using fake email IDs to ensure approval
4. What is the difference between free and paid directory submissions?
- Free Directory Submission:
- What Is It? When you submit your website to a free directory, there’s no cost involved.
- How It Works: You provide your website details, and the directory lists your site without charging you.
- Pros:
- Immediate listings (your website appears quickly).
- No upfront payment required.
- Cons:
- No guarantee of quick review or inclusion.
- Quality may vary; some directories accept any website without thorough review1.
- Paid Directory Submission:
- What Is It? With paid submission, you pay a fee to have your website reviewed and listed.
- How It Works: You submit your site, pay the fee, and the directory evaluates it.
- Pros:
- Higher quality listings (even if fewer initially).
- Faster inclusion and sometimes permanent listing.
- Cons:
- Requires an upfront payment.
- Some paid directories may have strict approval processes
Directory submission is a long-term strategy. Choose wisely, stay consistent, and watch your website grow!
Check Also:
- 200+ Free Blog Submission Sites List 2025
- Top 500+ Free High DA DoFollow Profile Creation Sites List 2025 – White Hat Links.
- 300+ Top High PR Dofollow Blog Commenting Sites List 2025
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- 150+ Guest Posting Sites that Improve Rankings 2025
- 150 Top High PR Web 2.0 Submission Sites List 2025
- 500+ Free Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites List 2025 (High DA, PR)
- 99+ Free High DA PDF Submission Sites List 2025
- Top Best 50 Online Business Directory List 2025
- 500+ Free Classified Submission Sites List 2025 – Ads Posting Websites
great sir beneficial article thanks for sharing.