6 Core Newswire Services: Plans, Pricing & Features

Newswire is a press release distribution service providing PR solutions to businesses, including media distribution, writing service, media outreach, media database, media monitoring, and newsroom.

Core Newswire Services

6 Core Newswire Services: Plans, Pricing & Features

Take a look at the six services it offers:

1. Media Distribution

After writing a release, you can hire a wire service to distribute it to gain more visibility and exposure. It helps businesses streamline marketing efforts while getting the most of the ROI and output.

While they focus on different areas of their business, distribution services can help them in focusing on writing and distribution. This means all the efforts are geared towards getting the brand’s visibility and exposure, and building awareness.

Before getting any PR service, determine the reason why you are distributing releases. It will help you in choosing the right service that can assist you in reaching your business goals.

You may be aiming for search engine ranking, media coverage, brand awareness, and sales, or positioning your company as an industry expert. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget the basic reason why you’re publishing content. Due to the busy schedule, some brands forget their goals that lead to poor results.

This is where using a newswire service comes handy. It helps in writing and distributing releases. Businesses get a report that measures the performance of the campaign.

Newswire has three plans under media distribution: single, monthly, and annual. Single distribution is a one-time distribution of press release service, the monthly and annual plans offer more features and a different schedule of distributing releases.

Let’s check the different plans offered by the PR distribution company.

Single Distribution Plan

Price$119$359$699$1, 199
Premium Distribution 250+ media outlets
PR Newswire 1, 000 media outlets
Google News
Business Journals Network
Associated Press
Up t 4 images
1 video
Up to 6 hyperlinks
Industry list
Additional files
Auto-post on Twitter and FB
Share PR preview
Publish notification via email
2-tier editorial process
Traditional reach
National Reach
One featured image with PR NewswireAdd-onAdd-on
Expedited release processing
Detailed analytics report
PR Newswire visibility report

The single distribution plan has four single distribution categories: Premium, Premium Plus, State Newsline, and National Newsline. It is priced at $119, $359, $699, and $1, 199 respectively.

All the plans provide premium distribution to 250+ outlets and PR Newswire’s distribution to 1,000 media outlets. The higher the plan, the more features it provides. If you need a single distribution, you can choose the plan that best suits your budget and needs.

Monthly Distribution Plan

Price$399$699$1, 599
Premium PRs2415
Discount on wire services10%15%20%
Optional Extended Distribution
Google News inclusion
Industry List111
Add Hyperlinks, Images, and Video
Targeted Auto Campaign to Industry Publications
Detailed Analytics Report
Number of newsrooms125
Press Releases Included Automatically
PR Contacts
Social Media Integration and Curation
Supports Multimedia
Press Kit
Event Calendar
Custom URL×
Number of Saved Contacts4008003, 000
Included Messages4008003, 000
Campaign Analytics
Powerful filtering options
Full contact profile××
Data export feature××
Import your own media list
View recent articles××
Campaign scheduling


Number of Saved Alerts4820
Sentiment Analysis
Real-Time Tracking××
Access to Newswire Article Archive
Data partnership with LexisNexis
SMS text notification, email
News clipping feature
Discover Top Influencers


Communicate with Influencers
Campaign Analytics
Campaign Management
Account Coordinator××
Schedule campaigns

Professional, Small Business, and Enterprise are the three categories under the monthly plan. The basic monthly plan starts at $399. The Small Business plan that costs $699 is the most popular among the monthly packages.

Newswire offers a discount of 10, 15, and 30 percent for the Professional, Small Business, and Enterprise plans. The monthly package provides more features than single plans. The newsroom, media database, media monitoring, and influence services are added on top of the media distribution.

Annual Distribution Plan

Price$317$558$1, 271
Premium PRs2415
Discount on wire services10%15%20%
Google News inclusion
Optional Extended Distribution
Industry List111
Add Hyperlinks, Images, and Video
Targeted Auto Campaign to Industry Publications
Detailed Analytics Report
Number of newsrooms125
Press Releases Included Automatically
PR Contacts
Social Media Integration and Curation
Supports Multimedia
Press Kit
Event Calendar
Custom URL×
Number of Saved Contacts4008003, 000
Included Messages4008003, 000
Campaign Analytics
Powerful filtering options
Full contact profile××
Data export feature××
Import your own media list
View recent articles××
Campaign scheduling


Number of Saved Alerts4820
Sentiment Analysis
Real-Time Tracking××
Access to Newswire Article Archive
Data partnership with LexisNexis
SMS text notification, email
News clipping feature
Discover Top Influencers


Communicate with Influencers
Campaign Analytics
Campaign Management
Account Coordinator××
Schedule campaigns

Companies looking for long-term distribution can get the annual distribution plan. It is offered at a 20 percent discount that can provide more savings in the long run.

The annual package is suited for businesses that want to boost their visibility and exposure. It’s the best strategy if you want to become a thought leader in your niche. Long term exposure can also boost awareness and trust.

2. Writing Service

Companies that don’t have their own writers or don’t have time to issue their own release can get a writing service. Writing a press release can be daunting, especially if you are new and don’t have the experience.

A well-written release conforms to the AP Style of writing, follows the format of standard release, is newsworthy, interesting, relevant, and engaging. Editing is part of the process, you need to ensure that there are no mistakes in grammar, format, spelling, and punctuation.

If you think that you can’t produce content like this, you need to seek the help of a press release platform that also offers the service. It can save you time and improve the outcome of your campaign.

Newswire provides the writing service for $249. They have a team of professional U.S. based journalists who understand what makes a great press release, and what the media need.

They write a release that is optimized for the search engines. Another aspect of its writing service is an unlimited revision.

3. Media Outreach

Media outreach is an important step in reaching out to journalists and media outlets. You need to reach out to media that matter to your business and are interested in your topic. Creating a media list is the first step in media outreach.

When you know who to reach, you can create a pitch that works. It’s important that you the information of journalists that will help you in getting mentions or placements.

A Newswire staff calls you and listen to your story. After that, they create a personalized media list based on your target audience.

They will write a pitch that is crafted to that particular media. A campaign report will be given to you that indicates the open rates and who opened the pitch.

4. Media Database

A media database contains information of journalists, influencers, and media outlets. It assists brands and PR professionals in searching for the right journalists to target.

Newswire offers a media database for $499 per month. The package includes unlimited lists, unlimited queries, powerful filtering options, full contact profile, data export, import your own contacts, access to journalist’s articles, personal notes, email campaign management, campaign scheduling, email template, custom email messaging, and campaign analytics.

5. Media Monitoring

In order to gain insights into the outcome of your PR campaign, you need to have media monitoring. It helps you monitor the mentions of your business across different channels: print, broadcast, social media, and online.

With the overload of information online, you need to be on top of the conversations. You need to know what is said about you, their reactions, or their sentiments.

It can enhance your messaging and pick the one that resonates to your audience, track the progress of competitors, capitalize the trends of your industry, avoid the crisis, adjust the campaign, and identify which influencer can help your brand.

Newswire offers media monitoring for $649 per month. It includes unlimited alerts, real-time SMS and email notifications, sentiment analysis, PDF reports, advanced search filters, and news clipping features. It supports English and Spanish languages and three users are allowed.

6. Newsroom

With the stiff competition online, you need to ensure that you have one platform to showcase your brand assets. An online newsroom serves as a hub of your company’s information, trends, digital assets and resources.

It is useful for users looking for information about your business. Journalists searching for resources can easily look on your page to check content like releases.

It helps you build awareness. People can see in which direction your business is going. Your brand informs your audience through continuous news updates and developments.

Newswire offers newsroom creation for $299 per month. It covers press releases, PR contacts, self-publishing module, social media integration, press kits, multimedia, event calendar, site or content analytics, email database management, email alerts and broadcast, adaptive-responsive site, multiple templates, and custom URL domain.

When choosing a wire service, you need to consider not only distribution but other services that you may want to consider. Several PR services offer a package where you can save more on your investment.

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