How To Install & Configure W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin

Page speed is important for better user experiences & also for SEO. There are many cache plugins available in the WordPress. But out of them, W3 Total Cache (W3TC) and WP Super Cache are my favorite ones.

The main difference between these two plugins is: Super cache is very easy to use and configure but W3TC has many options.

if you have planned to use CDN, then the W3 Total Cache plugin is a great Plugin.

How To Install W3 Total Cache

Download “W3 Total Cache” from the “Add new plugin” section from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: uninstall other WordPress Cache Plugin or WP Super Cache plugin.

How To Configure W3 Total Cache

Setup options are more advanced in W3 Total Cache than in WP Super Cache. But don’t worry! We will show you how set it up, you can review & copy all settings for your own site. its the optimized settings for W3 Total Cache Plugin.


After installing and activating W3 Total Cache, go to Performance > General and then enable everything you want to cache.  you can make changes to individual settings and configurations.

When done, click to “Save all settings”.

We have made optimized settings, copy these settings, let’s try it.

Refer to the image:




Page Cache


By default, all of the essential settings are checked. Review and move on to the next setting.




All settings in “Minify” are default.

and if you are not using CDN, you have to disable “Automatically upload modified files”.


Database Cache



Browser Cache





One cool thing about the W3 Total Cache is to support extensions.

It also offers extensions for a few popular WordPress themes and plugins & such as Cloudflare, Genesis, Feedburner, Yoast SEO.

If you follow the tutorial, you can easily optimize by cache your site with these settings. Mostly options are plug and play in the plugin.

Using CDN in the cache plugin will help you to decrease the load time of websites. a faster site means better user experience and a better ranking. Use CDN from Cache Plugin If you aren’t using and start today.

Let us know: Which you are using a caching plugin? And share your experience in the comments below!

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