Guide to Rewrite Old Blog Posts to Get Your Stolen Rankings Back

Content is king in the world of websites. It brings traffic to your online portals and boosts your business level. Out of several writing forms, one is the blog post. They are uploaded for SEO purposes and high ranking in Google search results.

Most people don’t know the secret behind blogging and SEO success. Blog posts are vital for approaching potential clients online, but their internet shelf life is only two years.

After two years, when the blog posts lose significance in catching traffic, the owners of the websites observe traffic dip even on crucial pages.

Old Blog Posts

Google and other search engines don’t rank pages that are older than two years.

Under such circumstances, you might have been planning to pump up new content to combat this issue. Fortunately, there is another simple solution and that is to pack a much bigger punch! Update the old blog posts by putting them in a reliable Al paragraph rewriter tool and upload the same posts again!

Do you know that your older blog posts attract 80% of organic traffic to your online platforms?

The rewritten old blog posts will enhance customers, subscribers, sign-ups, and boost your revenue. You will be surprised to know the positive consequences of much little work!

In the forthcoming lines, I will let you know how rewriting old blog posts will get back your stolen rankings.

Significance of Rewriting the Old Blog Posts

The original content that once you composed with much care and attention rewards you in the form of SEO ranking and upgrading your business level. After two years, it loses its worth by lowering traffic and ranking.

But the same content allows you to regain the original high ranking and search engine optimization by updating or refreshing the content with the help of some paragraph rewriter software.

You can rewrite the content manually but it demands a lot of hard work and investment of tons of time that you may not do on account of the fast and busy routine of modern life.

So, Al paragraph rewriter tools will stand for your greater benefit. Bring the old blog posts up to the required quality standards, add internal links, and the new forms of your blog posts will do the best to climb up the search rankings, deliver more traffic, earn more backlinks, and drive more conversions. The updated content performs the job very quickly!

Rewrite old Blog Posts for SEO

As already mentioned, old blog posts will uplift your SEO rankings and take your business to the next level. All you need to do is to find a suitable article rewriter tool and get your old post rephrased.

You can use any of the following rewriting tools to get this job done


Does the question arise when to update the old content on your site?

The answer is quite simple! Note down the uploaded dates of the previous content and struggle hard to optimize your content.

After the span of two years, ranking and traffic automatically begin to fall as Google doesn’t rank that old content.

This is the sign of getting your old blog posts refreshed with the latest online standards and letting your business go one step ahead!

Find the Already Ranked Keywords

It means before putting your old content in a paragraph rewriter, you should do a little more effort to find the keywords that your post is already ranking for. No more need to do any manual labor here when a couple of quality tools, are at hand.

For your convenience, I mention software that is easy to operate to perform the required task. Those tools are

These tools will identify the specific keywords in time and save you lots of time for other tasks.

Pick Target Keywords to Insert in the Updated Blog Posts

Identification of old keywords is as vital as searching for new target keywords. You will have to consume some elbow grease to search for the target keywords and some relevant secondary, keywords.

Blog Posts for SEO

The target keyword means searching the one that matches the search intent. Having found the target keyword check it in Google and see that the page one results resemble your existing post content. After that consider the following things.

  • Does your post-show ranking in the first five results for any keywords?
  • How much is the chance of becoming your post competitive for the target keywords?
  • Will, it be better to use the low-ranked keyword to target?

How to Rewrite a Blog Post to Boost Your SEO

You will learn by example. If the post comes at # 2 for the keyword “digital marketing software,” don’t bother to get it ranked for “digital marketing tools.”

Search for Secondary Keywords

Whether you are writing a new article or getting it paraphrased by a paragraph rewriter, keyword research is essential to identify other topics to cover and to expand it.

After identifying the target keywords, a little more keyword research will help you find some more potential topics or keywords that you will cover in the updated post. Google once again to find the specific keywords.

Look How Updated Keywords are performing

We write some keywords to find the required material in Google with some intention. Google tries to interpret that insight or intent and provides satisfying results.

Google carries out this process through machine-learning algorithms called RankBrain that interpret people’s behaviors as to what they are searching for behind specific keywords.

Therefore, searching for effective keywords that may readily be caught by Google search engines to show your updated blog post is a necessary job.

From here you can comprehend the importance of keywords to rank your refreshed blog posts that will elevate your business from scratch once again. So, if the content is king, the keyword is no exception regarding Google search results.

Update the Existing Blog Post

Applying all the tips mentioned above, the next step is to update the old blog post. It includes rewriting the previous content, maintaining the original sense, keeping it accurate, and relevant.

All the hard work you did before to find effective keywords will bless you with greater benefits and now is the time to insert them in your updated content. You may add some extra but useful information as per the current standards.

Optimize the target keyword by inserting it in the main title, somewhere in the introduction, and once in one subheader.

Publish the Revised Blog Post

Having all the required jobs done on your old blog post now is the time to publish the rewritten content. Before updating, better note down the existing rankings and date of the published content.

It is not as difficult and laborious a task as you think and you will forget the pains you faced when you will see your business moving to new heights!

Request Google to Reindex the Updated Post

It is the last but not the least step of updating the old blog posts. Usually, Google itself starts indexing, it is the better option to still request Google Search Console to reindex the rewritten blogs posts!

Here are three simple steps.

  • Open Google Search Console
  • Paste the URL of the refreshed post into the search bar
  • Click ‘Request Indexing’


I hope the above-mentioned tips will help you rewrite the existing two years back blog posts to get the stolen rankings back. You can consult paragraph rewriter tools to rephrase a huge number of posts one by one! Don’t miss the chance of upgrading your business!

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