The Tech You Need When Travelling

Can you imagine what it was like to travel before we had technology? All those long days of travelling from country to country, no maps to guide us through an unfamiliar town, and nothing to take photographs with! It must have been terrible.

Fortunately, we don’t live in pre-tech days; we have all the technology we need. Here’s a rundown of the pieces of kit you need when you’re going abroad, whether it’s for a short vacation or a long trip. Tech You Need When Travelling

Tech You Need When Travelling

The Tech You Need When Travelling


OK, it goes without saying that you need a smartphone. This is 2023 after all, jeez. What you really need is a smartphone that’s capable of delivering the best travel experience possible.

If you’re using an old phone that can’t run all the latest apps, make the upgrade before you travel; you won’t regret it, especially when you’re using all the super cool travel apps that are available.

You’ll also want to perform an IMEI unlock on your phone before you travel, as this will enable you to pick up a local sim card and have data during your travels. With a powerful phone, apps, and data, you’ll have no excuse not to have a good time – and post your pictures on social media!


Some things are beyond the capabilities of a smart phone. In particular, we’re thinking those long journeys where you have nothing to do other than sitting back, relax, and play with your gadgets. A phone won’t cut that at all, but a tablet will.

This will allow you to watch movies while you’re on the go, and if you buy a portable keyboard you’ll also be able to make notes as you go. You’re going to see a lot of new things during your travels; you’ll definitely want to be able to write them down!

MP3 Player

Yes, you might be able to load music up on your smartphone, but there’s a case to be made for having a separate MP3 player when you’re on the move. For one thing, it’ll allow you to keep the battery on your phone reserved for the important stuff.

And second, if you buy an MP3 player with large storage you’ll be able to have all your songs in one place. You can create playlists. There’s a song for every moment when you’re traveling, and with good headphones and an MP3 player, you’ll always have it on hand.

E-Book Reader

This one is a no-brainer. You simply can’t carry more than a few books with you when you’re traveling and have to concern yourself with how much weight you’re taking on a plane! With an e-book reader, you’ll have hundreds of books at your disposal.

You’ll also always be able to download a book that reveals the history and culture of the place you’re traveling through!

Bringing the Party

And finally, you never know when you might find yourself on a deserted beach, with only a campfire and a million stars overhead as a company. Take a decent set of travel speakers, and you’ll be able to have a party in the best possible environment.

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