Microsoft’s New Xbox App Updates for iOS and Android

Microsoft has released a significant update to its Xbox Music apps for both iOS (iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone) and Android.

This adds support to OneDrive-based music as well as other new capabilities. Therefore, the requirement for Xbox Music Pass has been dropped. Although the updates were totally unexpected, Microsoft had promised to provide additional support to the OneDrive-based music sometime this year.

Xbox App Updates for iOS and Android

Xbox for iPad

The official Microsoft Xbox app has always been available on the Windows platform. However, people with gadgets that use competing platforms can now make use of this app fully.

This is because Microsoft has finally unveiled an Xbox app designed for both iOS and Android devices. This means that game lovers can now take advantage of the new release and utilize the gaming platform that has been provided by Microsoft. 

Once fully installed, users will be in a position to purchase titles, manage Xbox accounts, share updates and game clips, view what friends and family are doing on Xbox Live, view their accomplishments using a variety of devices and so much more.

The app description says so much about it including bringing together friends, accomplishments, and games across all devices.

Users will be able to stay in touch with their gaming community while on the go, purchase new games directly from the store and control their Xbox One right from the app. The description goes ahead to stress that, it will keep users connected to their games as well as their most important gamers.

Here is a short detailed summary of the new features that have been introduced together with the Xbox app for android and iOS.

  • An updated home, the updated Activity Feed forms the home of the new Xbox app.
  • The Activity feed updates are now more personalized.
  • More Trending content to allow users to discover the most popular things on Xbox Live.
  • A Facebook friend finder that allows users to add their Facebook friends who might be using Xbox.
  • A contact friend finder list whereby, users can use their phone contact lists to add their friends and family to Xbox Live.
  • Sharing of real names where users are in a position to share their real names with their friends.
  • Game hubs have now been added to the Xbox app.
  • A connection destination whereby, the Xbox navigation One and media have been updated to allow control from the app.
  • Up to date profiles whereby the Xbox app profiles have been redesigned.

The update is virtually similar to that of Windows and there are no signs of the party chat support. However, this might change in the future.

Consider heading over to Google Play Store and iTunes and download the Xbox app. You will be in a position to chat with family and friends who are using the app, gain access to your achievements and library and the opportunity to purchase games.

This trending Android app can as well turn your gadget into a multimedia keyboard and touch keyboard for the Xbox One. The new version has a Facebook integration feature where users can import their contacts from phone books. However, going by the Play Store reviews, a number of android users are finding it hard to use the latter feature.

On the Activity Feed, users will be in a position to find game clips and screenshots that other players have shared. With the new game hubs, users can now find titles and the trending contents will allow them to discover the trending activities on Xbox Live. The chat support is not available for iOS and Android just yet. Maybe Microsoft will introduce this feature.

More entertainment with the Xbox SmartGlass

The SmartGlass turns the user’s tablet or mobile phone to a secondary screen. This interacts with the Xbox intelligently to elevate their entertainment experience.

It allows the TV and your devices to communicate and this enhances your TV shows, music, games, sports, and movies. This brings control right at your fingertips. You can use your phone, PCs, or tablet to control the Xbox experience in your living room.

You can easily and conveniently navigate through the Xbox dashboard, rewind and pause favorite movies, pinch, tap, and swipe to browse the internet on TV, and use the keyboard of your device for easy and fast text input as well as search on the console.


The intelligently connected handsets allow users to watch TV while controlling what they are watching simultaneously. This allows them to receive relevant and immersive details about movies, games, or TV shows. They can as well browse the whole Xbox catalog from their tablet or phone. The Xbox devices communicate with one another making things a lot easier.

The tablet or phone turns into an ideal second screen to the TV. It automatically improves the user experience with favorite movies, TV shows, sports, music, and games. There is so much to unlock using the Xbox SmartGlass including behind the scenes commentary, interactive companion guides as well as game strategies in real-time. 

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