25 Years of Search Engine Optimization – Infographic

History of SEO

When we think about, how much we rely on the Search Engines and web, it’s very hard to believe, 25 years ago it didn’t exist.Image-25-years-of-SEO

The early 90’s saw birth of this internet, browsers and websites, so it wasn’t long before,  somebody invent some way for all internet users to be able connect to all of these things altogether – enter the Search Engine.

In early days of using internet we only relied on Search Engines like  Yahoo, Excite, and Lycos to take us where we wanted to go and what we wanted to search, but Google took over and re-invented search queries and Optimizing Techniques that we terms as SEO.

So what we had learnt from the history of SEO? And How much has been changed? When we did keywords, analytics and meta data became so important? So Take look at this infographic “25 Years of Search Engine Optimization below, created by Keyword Eye, to find out..


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